Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010

WBT is still alive and well in my classroom even though it's been a while since I have blogged.  A new granddaughter arrived right before Thanksgiving so I am devoting as much of my time as possible to being a grandmother(GIGI)

As I head into the New Year, I am going to focus on several of the WBT components. My students are good witht the rules, Class Yes, No Guff, and the Scoreboard. We have used the Teach Okay, but I plan to empahsize this strategy in the New Year. I also want to implement some of the games, especially the reading game. I also plan to spend some time on the WBT website so I can see what's new.

On the first day back, I am going to review everything we have done with WBT in all of my classes. I think this is important because students need repetition and reinforcement. This will also emphsize that this framework is an important part of our classroom environment.

Happy New Year to everyone!!