Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday October 25,2010

I am continuing to be amazed with the results of the Whole Brain Teaching Strategies. So far they are all working well with my students. The Guff counter has really surprised me. I wasn't sure how the students would react to this strategy. However, lately they have started saying "stop" to anyone who is off task. It's gone beyond just "Guff."

I am not using the Teach Okay strategy enough and plan to focus on that more.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday October 13, 2010

The WBT stragegies really took a turn in my classroom this week when I added the "Guff Counter." In one of my classes, there was a student who was constantly "guffing" so I introduced the Guff Counter. Everyone just looked at me like, "oh yeah, what's next?" However on the second day it was in effect, the "Guffer" started "guffing" and one of the leaders in the classroom said, "stop!" The total atmosphere changed. Since then the Guff Counter is really working and I have started it in another class. The students have started telling the guffers to stop before I can say "that sounds like guff to me!"

I have been in the classroom about 30 years and the WBT strategies are the best I have seen for behavior management and reinforcing content! Give it a try!