Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflection About First Month

Overall, I have been pleased with the results so far using the Whole Brain Teaching Strategies. I am slowly adding the components, as Chris Bifel  suggests, and most of my students are accepting this framework for the classroom.

I have had two "Scoreboard Prize" sessions and they went well. Since my classes come to me every other day, we count up minutes on the Friday when they are in class and they are given extra time for something special. So far they have been given extra computer time and we have played Bingo with an online caller. Even though several complained about Bingo, they enjoyed playing and likde the online caller.

Currently, there is one class that is not "buying into" WBT and I am getting a lot of "Guff" from them. I am going to begin the "Guff Counter" on Monday. We will see how that goes.....

Next, I am going to add the "Reading Game." I used that last year and I liked the results. The WBT website is full of resources and ideas! I can't believe it's free! If you haven't taken a look at WBT, I encourage you to do so!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

We had our first Scoreboard prize day last Friday and it went very well. I think the students are starting to see how this WBT idea works!

Today I introduced the "Hands and Eyes" sign and told them we would be talking about "No Guff" soon!

So far I like what I am seeing with my classroom management. 

Here are some pictures of the new signs I have added to the wall.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Video of my class using the strategies.

Well, after a few some strange looks, my students are starting to see how this WBT stuff works. I really think they like the engagement and activity. The class yes is a real attention getter and I love the echo for reinforcement. We have used it for the 5 rules, but I think it will be great with any new learning. The teach okay makes sure that everyone is following and understanding the task at hand. Here is a movie of some of the first days of using WBT with one of my 6th grade classes.